Deep Sea Dive

a CG animation


The idea is to have a relaxing VR experience while driving in an autonomous car. The viewer finds himself in the back seat of the vehicle and can observe the surroundings through the glass panes. The journey takes place through the ocean and is accompanied by a blue whale. Close observers may see a clownfish swimming by.

Project Details

Team Size
3D Graphics Program

11/2019 – 02/2020
Blender (2.80)

Project Description

The animation was created in the ‚Practical Course 3D Modelling with Blender‘ at LMU Munich. The aim was to create an animation video with self-modeled 3D models using Blender. By the deadline, a treatment should be submitted in addition to the animation video.

My team has set itself the task of designing a so-called restoreable environment for autonomous driving and wanted to create an VR underwater world which the viewer can experience while sitting back and relaxing in the car.

For the rendering of our animation, we used the render farm SheepIt.

Whale render images

In addition to the animation clip, I made a few render images of the blue whale, which show its glowing particle tail.

Animation Video

My contribution

  • 3D modeling of the blue whale (and its particles effects) as well as the clownfish.
  • Making the materials of both 3D models (whale: basic material, clownfish: texture painting)
  • Animation of the blue whale and clownfish

For modeling the two animals, I used photos from the internet to model them close to reality.

Have a look on the screenshots I took below :) I love documenting my development progress with screenshots – it’s always interesting to look at them later when the project is finished.

What went wrong...

  1. The plankton particles floating in the water consumed too much computing power when rendering, which is why the time before the delivery was quite short. For this reason, it was decided not to use the post-effects of the whale particles anymore, which is why they do not glow in the animation video.

  2. Unfortunately, we didn’t manage to model and animate more underwater plants or animals in time.