Terpentin Teufel

a 3D Jump 'n' Run Game


The terpentine devil has taken all the colors from the world which have to be brought back! In each level of the game one color can be found and equipped in the player’s paint gun. Color bombardment allows to colorize areas and give them unique properties. In this way, obstacles can be manipulated and overcome. The goal is to complete each level by reaching the target zone and ultimately giving the world its colors back.

Project Details

Team Size
Game Engine
Programming Language
3D Graphics

11/2019 – 01/2020
Computer (Win 10)
Unreal Engine (4.23.1)
Unreal Blueprints
Blender (2.8)

Period:  11/2019 – 01/2020
Team Size:  6
Platform:  Computer (Win 10)
Game Engine:  Unreal Engine (4.23.1)
Programming Language: Unreal Blueprints
3D Graphics:  Blender (2.8)

Project Description

The game was created in a university course at LMU Munich. The goal was to develop a game of choice in a team using Unreal Engine.

Handed in by the deadline should be a Technical Design Document (TDD), Game Design Document (GDD), the game as an executable file, the Unreal Engine project and a game play video that we also showed to the rest of the teams at a final presentation.

Color Properties


Rotate object
Freeze object
Scale object
Enable/disable object collision
Jump higher
Run faster

Yellow:  Rotate object
Blue:  Freeze object
Pink:  Scale object
Grey:  Enable/disable object collision
Red:  Jump higher
Green:  Run faster

Game Mechanics


  • Death occurs by colliding with specific obstacles or falling off the world.
  • Level checkpoints act as reset points, triggered by reaching them or through user input.

Paint Ammunition:

  • Each level introduces one of six colors, found after progressing further into the game (to utilize the final color fully, there are seven levels instead of six).
  • Paint buckets found in the environment unlock new colors for the paint gun, expanding the player’s color repertoire
  • Only two colors can be actively loaded into the paint gun at a time, requiring strategic color management for swapping.
  • To overcome obstacles, three scenarios are possible:
    1. Multiple colors can be correct, allowing player choice (e.g., jumping higher or rotating an obstacle)
    2. Only one color is correct to solve the challenge 
    3. Combining multiple colors for complex actions (e.g., rotating and scaling an obstacle)


To assign specific colors to left/right mouse buttons: Press number (keyboard 1-6) + left/right mouse button

Left/right mouse
Shift + R
Shift + Backspace

Jump (double jump possible by repeated pressing)
Shoot with color
Reset to the last checkpoint (keeps all found colors)
Reset level (keeps all found colors)
Reset the game (start at level 1 again)

W/A/S/D:  Move
Space:  Jump (double jump possible by repeated pressing)
Left/right mouse button:  Shoot with color
Backspace:  Reset to the last checkpoint (keeps all found colors)
Shift + R:  Reset level (keeps all found colors)
Shift + Backspace: Reset the game (start at level 1 again)
P: Menu  



- by Lisa Görtz

Game Play Video

My Contribution

  • Level design (2/7 levels)
  • Implementation of obstacle blueprints (e.g. rotating axe, moving/rotating platforms, moving spikes etc.)

What went wrong...

  1. We initially planned for level 1 to be black and white, with each paint bucket adding one color, gradually filling the world by the final level. However, due to time constraints, we couldn’t implement this idea 🙁.
  2. Tasks were distributed based on skills: one person handled most of the programming, two focused on integrating special 3D objects, and three worked on the design of seven levels. While this went smoothly, we noticed late that each level designer had their own style, making the levels vary in structure and appearance 🙄.
  3. The difficulty curve also didn’t quite work out, and level 1 ended up being so hard that only highly motivated players reached later levels 🥵.
  4. Right before the deadline, an issue with green-colored areas occurred just before the deadline, so the gameplay video doesn’t show the expected speed change (though it could have been post-edited, it wasn’t deemed necessary) 😅.
  5. Finally, we overlooked lighting, which struck me as soon as I reopened the project months later (and can be seen pretty well on the screenshots and video footage...) 🙉.